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What People Are Saying

Gergely Orosz's profile

Gergely Orosz

The Pragmatic Engineer

Recently came across a neat site called which collects dev openings at "top tier" companies in the EU that offer top of the market (I'd call these Tier 2/3 in the trimodal model). It crawls these jobs at those companies and surfaces new listings.


Luis Carlos Antunes's profile

Luis Carlos Antunes

Junior Software Developer

I love how clean and straightforward is. It's a breath of fresh air compared to other job boards that are cluttered and overwhelming. Focusing specifically on tech positions is a huge plus for me, and the filters are incredibly helpful. I can find the perfect job in seconds. Plus, the team behind it is always open to feedback, which shows they truly care about the user experience.


Dejan B.

Senior Software Engineer

I take a look at every once in a while, and I like how simple and straightforward it is.


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